Jaz Johnson was born on December 13th and has been writing ever since she can remember. She's also got a self-proclaimed knack for fantasy, science fiction, romance and drama. She is a prod and regular participant of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and you will see that many of Jaz's books have been or will be a turnout of one of their months of writing. As a procrastinator, she is extremely and forever grateful to the amazing people behind it and to its brilliant participants. From which, she has been more productive than she ever could be on her own, and has met and kept amazing friends that she would've never met otherwise. She's always coming up with new and attention-grabbing material for my novels, more often than not faster than she could write them. Her current favorite book of her own: The Athena Universe Collection. 

Saphora: vol.1 Retention

Launched from an escape pod by the hands of her desperate mother and queen of the Kiran kingdom in attempts to save her only child from an approaching war, our protagonist Saphora finds herself on Earth, plagued with amnesia.
Taken in by an ordinary woman, Saphora attends therapy in attempts to regain her memory. All while constantly discovering new abilities. But she wasn’t the only one to visit Earth. A man has been sent from the enemy lines to assassinate Saphora while she is vulnerable. But handicapped as she is, she fights back, learning that she is the only thing standing in the way of the kingdom falling.
With the costs mounting, can Saphora find a way to save the planet that fostered her and her kingdom?

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